Sunday, May 6, 2012

Natural Female Infertility Cure

 Causes Of Infertility - The Facts

It would seem that along with a lot of other problems and diseases that are on the march in our westernised countries, INFERTILITY, or the causes of infertility are growing also. In the year of 2000 one in ten couples who were trying to become pregnant were declared infertile, and now we have reached and passed 2010, ten years later, the figures are at a staggering (to me anyhow), one in six couples, and soon if the trend continues it could be as high as one in three. Imagine that!!
If after 12 months of unprotected intercourse a baby is not on the way, infertility would be assumed. In most countries, couples are able to get help for their yet unexplained infertility with assistance in the form of IVF under the Public Health System.There are also many publications about natural infertility treatment that may be extremely helpful, and certainly worth exploring.
So is this a good thing or not? Well one would have to think that it certainly appeals to many  couples by looking at how many people ( and how many folk do you know, or know of ) who have gone down this path. If you are over 35 years of age, have been living a good healthy lifestyle and been having intercourse at the right time each month with no success, well surely you are ready for some help. It is also helpful to combine the medical intervention with natural means, acupuncture, and naturopathy, to help the body to function how it is meant to.
On the other side of the story, it would seem that IVF has become almost too readily available for some couples, ie some who are a bit ignorant of their bodies, and lack knowledge about falling pregnant. I would believe that basic education is needed and has not been offered to some couples about natural infertility treatment to begin with. Apparently many couples are turning up at IVF clinics, and really all they need is information on where and when women are fertile during their menstrual cycle. It was reported that in Melbourne at two IVF clinics as study found that only 13% of women had a good understanding of when they were fertile in their cycle, while an amazing 53% had a poor understanding and 11% had no understanding at all.
Day 1 of your cycle is the first day of your period. An average women will hatch an egg, or ovulate on about the 14th day, and survival time is up to a week, but is at it's peak for 48 hours when insemination needs to occur. Some women will ovulate either side of the 14 day period. A blood test can be done by a doctor in the early part of your cycle, or you may wish to purchase one of the many home kits available for this purpose, to pick up changes in your hormones to tell you if you are ovulating. Other reliable signs are vaginal secretions, which change in texture, increased temperature, a slight pain on one side, increased libido, or a pimple or tears.
The causes of infertility are very many and varied, but these suggestions will help .......... having a good healthy diet, plenty of exercise for you both, keeping stress to a minimum, and don't forget to have lots of fun together while you keep on trying.